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Rugelach or Rugelach Wedges


It's best to use a kitchen scale whenever possible. If you don't yet own a scale, these recipes are based upon 'lightly packed' measuring cups, so whether you use the 'dip and sweep' method of measuring or the 'spooning into the cup' method, always gently press down on the mix in the measuring cup and add more to fill the cup, as necessary.



2 t Baking Powder (optional)

1 C Soft Butter (224g-8oz)

1 C Soft Cream Cheese (8oz)


2/3 C S'WEEET! Sweetener Blend (93g)

2/3 C finely chopped Walnuts

2 t Cinnamon

1 t Molasses (optional)

For Rugelach Directions see below.

DIRECTIONS for Triangles (or pinch the dough to shape with stems for Christmas Trees)

1. Pre-heat your oven to 350°F and line a sheet pan with parchment paper.

2. In a medium-size bowl combine the Bakery Mix and baking powder.

3. Add the the soft butter and cream cheese and mix until well combined.

Let the dough rest a few minutes to firm up.

4. While the dough rests, combine the Filling Mixture and set aside.

5. Divide dough in half and roll out between parchment paper or cling wrap into

two 9-inch rounds.

6. Sprinkle the filling all over one round, reserving 2 T for the top.

7. Lift the second round with the cling wrap and place on top of the filling.

Peel off the cling wrap.

8. Cut into 8 triangles (like slicing a pie)

9. Place each triangle onto your baking sheet with at least an inch in between each.

Bake about 20 minutes until beginning to brown.

10. As soon as they come out of the oven, brush with egg and sprinkle with the

reserved 2 T of filling and granulated sweetener, if desired.

*You can also use a brown sugar sweetener here and omit the molasses


Add 1/2 t Xanthan Gum to the dry ingredients and follow Directions through #5

6. Divide the filling and spread evenly over each round.

7. Cut each round as (if cutting a pie) into 8 sections.

8. Use a spatula to gently remove one triangle at a time and roll the large edge

towards the pointy edge (like a baby croissant).

9. Place each roll onto your baking sheet with at least an inch in between each.

Bake 20-25 minutes until golden brown.

10. As soon as they come out of the oven, brush with egg and sprinkle with

granulated sweetener.

This dough can also be rolled into a log shape and sliced for crunchy cinnamon roll cookies.

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